Our Family | CNext - Century Next Bank | Lincoln | Ouachita | Ashley County
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Our Family

Nick Austin ProfileNick AustinAshley County Market President - NMLS: 1767621
Haley Bryan ProfileHaley BryanCall Center Representative
Chad Butler ProfileChad ButlerUniversal Banker
Carol Campbell ProfileCarol CampbellCall Center Manager
Haley Chavis ProfileHaley ChavisAssistant Vice President, AR Engagement & Relationship Banking Manager
Debra Cooke ProfileDebra CookeCall Center Representative
Susan Davis ProfileSusan DavisTeller Supervisor
Rebekah Harvey ProfileRebekah HarveyLoan Assistant
Anthony Johnson ProfileAnthony JohnsonMaintenance Tech
Connie Kelley ProfileConnie KelleyVice President, Commercial/Mortgage Lender - NMLS ID: 925049
LeeAnn Massey ProfileLeeAnn MasseyCall Center Representative
Carla Maxwell ProfileCarla MaxwellRelationship Banker
Tommy O'Fallon ProfileTommy O'FallonFacilities Manager
Emily Reed ProfileEmily ReedLoan Receptionist
Karri Shaver ProfileKarri ShaverAssistant Vice President, Senior Loan Processor Officer
Paige Shelton ProfilePaige SheltonRetail Banking Specialist
Cindy Smith ProfileCindy SmithVice President, Lender - NMLS ID: 1248943
Denisha Tippitt ProfileDenisha TippittRelationship Banker
Andrew Townsend ProfileAndrew TownsendTeller Operations Manager
Natasha Ward ProfileNatasha WardRelationship Banker
Cerin Wilson ProfileCerin WilsonUniversal Banker
